Digital Bridges International was formed (as Digital Bridges Pittsburgh) in 2017 with a focus on helping people achieve financial independence and self-fulfillment by teaching skills that are often under taught yet closely correlated with financial gain and personal satisfaction.
Originally entitled Digital Bridges Pittsburgh as a New Sun Rising fiscally sponsored project, we have worked tirelessly over the years to deliver industry professional created programs that are engaging and impactful.
Closing the Digital Divide & Building Vibrant Communities Since 2017
Youth & Adults Served
Programs Delivered
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Our Mission
Digital Bridges International’s mission is to help people attain financial independence and personal satisfaction through targeted skills-based programs. We ultimately aim to close persistent societal gaps including the digital divide, wealth and career attainment gaps, and the mental health crisis.
We deliver industry professional created programs that are deeply engaging and focus on critical skills that are directly correlated with increased income, personal satisfaction, and are highly transferable across all career paths.
Alignment to UN Goals
We align to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Alignment to UN Goals
We align to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequalities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Our Values
Below is a detailed description of our core values.
1. Skills as a means of building equity, eliminating poverty and racism, and creating generational wealth.
Specifically, we focus on digital literacy, entrepreneurship, and leadership/social emotional intelligence as the key skills of success encompassed by our programs and services.
- Digital Readiness: Common technology resources hold the key to healthy, well educated, equitable, and just communities:
- Workers that qualify for jobs that require even one digital skill can earn an average of 23 percent more than in a job requiring no digital skills. Moving from a job requiring no digital skills to one requiring at least three can increase pay by an average of 45%.
- For the economy as a whole, these increased earnings could generate more state and federal tax revenue. Depending on the household size and composition, this could range from $1,363 to $2,879 in additional tax revenue per household per year.
- For businesses, turnover costs (estimated at $25,000 when a worker quits within the first year to over $78,000 after five years) can be averted or delayed by ensuring that workers have upskilling opportunities.
- Entrepreneurship skills benefit all career paths:
- Tolerance for risk
- Leadership qualities
- Open-mindedness
- Innovation
- Time flexibility
- Autonomy
- Continued growth and development
- Enhanced managerial abilities
- Economic development/ Improving the standard of living
2. Diversity is a gift
What makes us different makes us stronger, and everyone deserves a seat at the table of their choice. We aim to help each individual we work with thrive by meeting them where they are, identifying their unique aptitudes, interests, and needs, then guiding them to their definition of success.
3. Individualized education
We believe in meeting people where they are and helping them up based on their unique interests, aptitudes, and needs. We recognize the importance of cultivating educational programs, partnerships, and curriculum that is comprehensive, reflexive, and responsive to each student.
4. Mentorship/Coaching
In addition to education, we all need mentorship, coaching, and support that helps us to take action on our goals and make progress towards our own definition of success.
5. Connection, collaboration, and partnership
If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. We believe that collaboration and partnership are the best way to reach our mission, being responsive to the needs of each organization or individual we serve with their direct involvement.
6. Transformational leadership and SEL skills
We believe in building up people, not just managing tasks. Internally and throughout our curriculum we teach the 4 pillars of Transformational Leadership: Idealised Influence, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration and Inspirational Motivation.
Research shows the skills taught in SEL curricula have wide-ranging benefits that affect student’s success in school, career, and life.
For instance, kindergarteners with stronger social and emotional skills are more likely to graduate from high school and college and have stable, full-time employment and are less likely to commit crimes, be on public assistance, and have drug, alcohol, and mental health problems.